Question? Based on some sources, your income from room referral fees from Ruffin and Thompson's Gold Key timeshare contract could have ranged from $250,000 to $300,000. Did your income approach those amounts?
Empty Chair: Refused to answer.
Question? If those figures aren't accurate, what was your income from Gold Key?
Empty Chair: Refused to answer.
Question? Do you deny the accuracy of those estimates?
Empty Chair: No comment.
Question? In the July '99 legal opinion from City Attorney Les Lilley, you said you sublease a retail portion to Lar-Jac (a family-related business) in which you have a 3% ownership interest, but you receive no income from it. Who are the owners of Lar-Jac?
Empty Chair: Refused to answer.
Question? How much did Lar-Jac receive from Gold Key's lease?
Empty Chair: No comment.
Question? You said your interest in Lar-Jac exceeds 3%. How much ownership in Lar-Jac do you actually have?
Empty Chair: No comment.
Question? Now in the April '01 opinion, you state you have a 15-year, fixed-sum lease with Lar-Jac, but 'have no ownership interest of any kind...". Can you explain what happened to your interest in that company between July '99 and April '01?
Empty Chair: No comment.
Question? In the previous two opinions, you refuse to acknowledge any income or room referral fees from Gold Key, but in your June, '01 opinion, you now state you have a 'year-to-year" nonexclusive written contract with Gold Key and income in excess of $10,000 from that arrangement. For the record, how much in excess of $10,000?
Empty Chair: Refused to answer.
Question? When was this contract originally initiated?
Empty Chair: No comment.
Question? Why did you not mention the Lar-Jac relationship in the June, '01 opinion?
Empty Chair: No comment.
Question? You were in deep tax debt ($157,000, according to the Pilot up until June of 1993. How did you get that amount of arrears caught up so quickly (was it by October of that year)?
Empty Chair: Refused to answer.
Question? Did you ever receive a loan or any financial assistance from any local businessmen to help your financial situation around that time?
Empty Chair: No comment.
Well there you have it, folks. Everything you wanted to know, but won't find out because the Empty Chair is vacant. Linwood Branch, may not be with Chandra Levy, but when VNS wanted to talk with him he sure went missing. Is that a shame on the government, an insult to the public, curious actions by a public official or what?
You can let Linwood know how you feel about this story and whether we were fair and accurate or whether you support the route he took by calling him at 757-422-0256-home; or 757-428-6141-office. You can let us know your opinion by emailing us at
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