Lies, arrogance, mismanagement, waste and fraud necessitate tax referendum Virginia Beach Taxpayer Alliance statement "We did not engage in this public debate because we thought it would be fairly conducted, or because we thought it would easy, or because we enjoyed being away from our families nights and weekends. " NO, we are engaged in this public debate because we believe in Virginia’s traditional values – accountable and fiscally restrained government. "A Governor and General Assembly who abdicated their constitutional responsibilities to rank and fund the State’s priorities should be removed, NOT rewarded with new tax revenues. "The people who work for us are telling you the voters - their boss - the referendum is a take it or leave it proposition. "This outright
arrogance is just one more reason to Vote No. "If additional taxes are needed to finance transportation, then the General Assembly should do their job and approve a package of fair taxes (gas taxes, port taxes, corporate incomes taxes, etc.) to finance new road construction. " The fact that members of the General Assembly are not willing to raise the sales tax and be held accountable when they stand re-election is one more reason to Vote No. "Not withstanding the constitutional questions that have been raised regarding the Referendum question’s compliance with the Article X of the Virginia Constitution, The Virginia Beach Taxpayers Alliance has adopted Twelve Reasons why voters should “Just Say No to Increasing the Sales and Use Tax 22 percent”. "The referendum on the ballot is really asking the voters to say Yes
to the following: "In closing I make the following observation, our good friends in Northern Virginia have a light rail system financed
by the entire nation, a mass transportation system heavily subsidized to
include a regional gas tax, private toll roads, and an extensive road
system, yet they still have congestion. Why? If you don’t
adopt strong and restrictive land use policies, sprawl surpasses the
added capacity and the situation gets worse.